UNINA Dissemination Activities


Maria Rosaria Falcone, Francesco Lerra, Digital Archives and the Italian experience: new prospects for improved accessibility?, within the session Building from scratch: written heritage online, in occasion of the international conference “Archival Cooperation and Community building in the Digital Age” (Brevnov Archabbey – Prague, Czech Republic – 27-29 April 2015), organised by ICARUS and the Národní archiv.

Antonella Ambrosio, Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci, The University teaching with MOM-CA and Monasterium.NET in the ENArC-project, within the session Learning the past to build the future: education in the Digital Age, in occasion of the international conference “Archival Cooperation and Community building in the Digital Age” (Brevnov Archabbey – Prague, Czech Republic – 27-29 April 2015), organised by ICARUS and the Národní archiv.

Antonella Ambrosio, Il portale Monasterium.Net. Archivi e documenti digitali online, in occasion of the international conference Manuscript digitization and on line accessibility: what is going on?, (Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Rome, Italy – 23 October 2014), organised within “Bibliotheca Italica Manuscripta (Bim)” by the Biblioteca Vallicelliana, in collaboration with the Association paléographique internationale culture écriture société (Apices) and the Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e delle informazioni bibliografiche (ICCU).

Antonella Ambrosio, Per il recupero e la valorizzazione del patrimonio documentale: dalle pergamene all’archivio virtuale in Monasterium.Net, in occasion of the seminar Da Vitulano all’Europa. L’abbazia di S. Maria della Grotta (Vitulano, Italy – 13 September 2014), organised by the municipality of Vitulano, in collaboration with the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Federico II di Napoli, the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria and ICARUS.

Maria Rosaria Falcone, Ciro Romano, Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci, Le attività del gruppo di ricerca ENArC riguardo al patrimonio documentale dell’abbazia, in occasion of the seminar Da Vitulano all’Europa. L’abbazia di S. Maria della Grotta (Vitulano, Italy – 13 September 2014), organised by the municipality of Vitulano, in collaboration with the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Federico II di Napoli, the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria and ICARUS.

Antonella Ambrosio, Maria Rosaria Falcone, Presentazione del progetto Monasterium at the Laboratorio di Archeologia Tardoantica e Medievale of the Università degli studi Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli (Piedimonte Matese, Italy – 26 June 2014).

Antonella Ambrosio, Palaeographic research on digitized charters in Southern Italy: experiences and desiderata, in occasion of the conference Papsturkundenforschung zwischen internationaler Vernetzung und Digitalisierung. Neue Zugangsweisen zur europäischen Schriftgeschichte (Munich, Germany – 24-25 March 2014), organised by the Universities of Erlangen and Monaco within the project „Schrift und Zeichen“.

Antonella Ambrosio, Il progetto Monasterium in Italia meridionale, in occasion of the workshop Archivi ecclesiastici verso l’Europa: Prospettive di cooperazione in vista del programma HORIZON 2020 (Biblioteca Cathariniana – Pisa, Italy – 3 December 2013), organised by the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in collaboration with the Biblioteca Cathariniana of Pisa and the University of Naples Federico II – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici.

Daniel Jeller, A loss of Aura? The effect of digitisation on the relevance of charter’s physical existence, in occasion of the international conference Digital Diplomatics 2013: What is Diplomatics in the Digital Environment? (Paris, France – 14-16 November 2013), organised by the International Center for Archival Research (ICARUS), Ecole nationale des chartes, Centre for the International Study of Contemporary Records and Archives, Centre Jean-Mabillon, Archives nationales.

Antonella Ambrosio, Esperienze didattiche di Diplomatica con le tecnologie digitali, in occasion of the conference I Congreso Virtual de Innovación Didáctica al Servicio de los Docentes y Profesionales en Ciencias Documentales (Mar del Plata, 16-20 September 2013), organised by Manuel J. Salamaca Lopez and Carlos Hugo Artaza for REDCYT (Red Iberoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología composed of the University of Panama, University of Santa María la Antigua, Latin American University for Science and Technology, Inter-American University, and others), under the auspices of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and ICARUS.

Antonella Ambrosio, Charters and digital archives in didactic practice, keynote lecture of the session Archival content in didactic practice, in occasion of the international conference Building infrastructures for archives in a digital world (Trinity College, Dublin, Irland – 26-28 June 2013), organised within the APEx project (Archives Portal Europe Network of Excellence) by the APEx Consortium.

Antonella Ambrosio, Maria Rosaria Falcone, El portal Monasterium.net, in occasion of Jornada Los documentos medievales en Internet: ICARUS, el Proyecto ENArC y los archivos españoles (Madrid, Spain – 12 June 2013), study day organised by ICARUS e Ministerio de Educación y Deporte.

Maria Rosaria Falcone, Utilizzo di Monasterium.net e di MOM-CA per la descrizione dei documenti storici, in occasion of the Kick-off Meeting Didactics Distance Teaching for Latin America (Naples, Italy – 20 March 2013), organised by the Dipartimento di scienze storiche, Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II.

Antonella Ambrosio, Manuel Salamanca López, Eventualità di un progetto che riguardi l’insegnamento della Diplomatica con MOM-CA indirizzato a studenti residenti in America Latina, in occasion of the Kick-off Meeting Didactics Distance Teaching for Latin America (Naples, Italy – 20 March 2013), organised by the Dipartimento di scienze storiche, Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II.

Antonella Ambrosio and Maria Rosaria Falcone, Il progetto ENArC. Attività didattiche innovative e creazione di archivi digitali in occasion of First Annual Conference of Associazione Informatica Umanistica e Cultura digitale: Un’Agenda per l’informatica umanistica e la cultura digitale (Società Dantesca Italiana, Palagio dell’Arte della Lana – Florence, Italy – 13-14 December 2012).

Antonella Ambrosio and Maria Rosaria Falcone, Documenti e archivi ecclesiastici in MOMCA sul portale Monasterium.Net in Los archivos diocesanos: nuevos retos ante la era virtual (Autonomous University of Madrid – Madrid, Spain – 11-12 December 2012).

Antonella Ambrosio, Gianluca Aiello and Maria Rosaria Falcone, The Icarus Didactics Group. A challenge of teaching method of Diplomatics, Palaeography and Medieval History in 1st Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas (3-7 December 2012).

Antonella Ambrosio, Maura Striano, Corinna Freda, Stefania Fiorentino and Luca Aiello, Teaching diplomatics in 2.0 web environments: an innovative experience in internationalisation in 11th European Conference on e-Learning (University of Groningen – Groningen, The Netherlands – 26-27 October 2012).

Antonella Ambrosio, Maria Rosaria Falcone, Luca Aiello, Didaktische Zusammenarbeit zwischen Archiven und Universitäten auf Basis digitalisierten Archivguts,  in occasion of Österreichs Archive in Europa (Vienna, Austria – 17-19 October 2011).

Antonella Ambrosio, To Learn Diplomatics with new technologies in Monasterium.net within the session Meeting the digital challenge together – Archival cooperation within ICARUS, in occasion of the conference “Keeping Archives Alive in a Digital World: Archival Preservation in the 21st Century”, Citra 2011 (Toledo, Spain – 25 October 2011).

Gianluca Aiello, Antonella Ambrosio, Daniel Jeller The Monasterium Collaborative Archive in use – Practical exercises, within the session Meeting the digital challenge together – Archival cooperation within ICARUS, in occasion of the conference “Keeping Archives Alive in a Digital World: Archival Preservation in the 21st Century”, Citra 2011 (Toledo, Spain – 25 October 2011).

Antonella Ambrosio, Short presentation about Monasterium project and ICARUS, in a panel discussion at the international conference Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe I (University of Hull – Hull, GB – 23 June 2011).


Antonella Ambrosio, Il portale Monasterium.Net, il software MOMCA, gli archivi digitali. Nuove metodiche e prospettive per la ricerca (University of Rome La Sapienza – Rome, Italy – 3 February 2015), seminar for PHD Students in Documentation studies, linguistics and literature of the Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza.

Giovanni Vitolo, Antonella Ambrosio, Le risorse in rete: materiale documentario dal IX al XIX secolo e inventari di archivi dei paesi europei (Società Napoletana di Storia Patria – Napoli, Italy – 12 November 2014), seminar for PHD Students in History of the Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II.

Antonella Ambrosio, Georg Vogeler, Il Progetto Monasterium.Net (Pisa, Italy – 20 February 2013), lecture for the students of the Master Degree in Informatica Umanistica of the Università degli studi di Pisa (Seminari di Cultura digitale, organised by Enrica Salvatori).

Antonella Ambrosio, A Case study: the Digital Archive of ‘SS. Pietro e Sebastiano’ Monastery, in International Summer School Basic Structures of Medieval Religious Life, at FOVOG (Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte), Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden, Germany – 26 July 2011).
Tutor: Gianluca Aiello

Antonella Ambrosio, Digital Archives of Female Convents in Naples on Monasterium.Net in International Summer School  Basic Structures of Medieval Religious Life, at FOVOG (Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte), Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden, Germany – 25 July 2011).
Tutor: Gianluca Aiello


Antonella Ambrosio, Literacy in Neapolitan Women’s Convents: An Example of Female Handwriting in a Late Fifteenth-Century Accounts Ledger, in: Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe. The Kansas City Dialogue, edited by Virginia Blanton, Veronica O’Mara, Patricia Stoop, Turnhout, Brepols, 2015 (Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 27), pp. 88-108.

Maria Rosaria Falcone, Il portale Monasterium.Net. Documenti in rete e archivi digitali, in: Atti del convegno Manuscript digitization and on line accessibility. What’s going on? International Workshop, Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, 23 ottobre 2014, a cura di Elisabetta Caldelli, Marilena Maniaci, Stefano Zamponi, in: Digitalia. Rivista del digitale nei beni culturali, 2 (2014), pp. 67-77.

Maria Rosaria Falcone, Il progetto ENArC. Attività didattiche innovative e creazione di archivi digitali, in: Digital Humanities: progetti italiani ed esperienze di convergenza multidisciplinare. Atti del convegno annuale dell’Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD) Firenze, 13-14 dicembre 2012, edited by Fabio Ciotti, Roma, Sapienza Università Editrice, 2014 (Studi Umanistici. Serie Quaderni DigiLab).

Antonella Ambrosio, Sébastien Barret, Georg Vogeler (editors), Digital diplomatics. The computer as a tool for the diplomatist? [International Conference Digital Diplomatics 2011, Tools for the Digital Diplomatist, Naples, September 29th - October 1st, 2011], Köln, Böhlau, 2014 (Archiv für Diplomatik. Beiheft, 14).

Antonella Ambrosio, Transnational Virtual Learning Communities and Historical Documents, in: I Congreso Virtual de Innovación Didáctica al Servicio de los Docentes y Profesionales en Ciencias Documentales, edited by Manuel J. Salamaca Lopez, Carlos Hugo Artaza (for REDCYT), Mar del Plata, 2013.

Antonella Ambrosio, Insegnare la diplomatica con le tecnologie informatiche? Potenzialità e spunti di riflessione, in: Paolo Cherubini, Giovanna Nicolaj (eds.), Sit liber gratus, quem servulus est operatus. Studi in onore di Alessandro Pratesi per il suo 90° compleanno, Città del Vaticano, Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia, Diplomatica e Archivistica, 2012 (Lettera Antiqua, 19), t. II, pp. 1315-1326.

Presentation on website

Antonella Ambrosio, Short presentation about Monasterium project and ICARUS, on the official website of the International Conference Nuns’ Literacies in Medieval Europe II (University of Missouri–Kansas City, USA, 5-9 June 2012).

Book presentations

Antonella Ambrosio, Presentazione del libro Le pergamene di S. Maria della Grotta di Vitulano (BN), Salerno, Laveglia & Carlone, 2014 e dell’archivio virtuale di Santa Maria della Grotta, in occasion of “Quando era conte d’Alife Giovanni di Ravecanina…” Il Medio Volturno al tempo dei Normanni (Piedimonte Matese, Italy – 10 May 2014), presentation organised by the Associazione Storica del Medio Volturno and the Università degli studi Suor Orsola Benincasa.

Antonella Ambrosio, Presentazione del libro Le pergamene di S. Maria della Grotta di Vitulano (BN), Salerno, Laveglia & Carlone, 2014 e dell’archivio virtuale di Santa Maria della Grotta (Benevento, Italy – 11 April 2014), organised by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, the Università degli studi di Napoli and the Centro di cultura ‘R. Calabria’.

And moreover …

Promotion of collaboration, network expansion, digitisation and creation of digital archives on Monasterium.Net

Visit to the ENArC UNINA Lab: The creation of digital archives of the medieval charters of South Italy, as participation in the activities of the initiative “Uni per tutti – tutti per l’Uni” with a visit to the ENArC UNINA Lab, organized by Antonella Ambrosio, Maria Rosaria Falcone, Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci (Naples, Italy – 2 May 2014)

Partnership with Archeojobs, the Italian platform for work and education in the cultural heritage sector (March 2014)

In occasion of the workshop Archivi ecclesiastici verso l’Europa (Pisa, Italy – 3 December 2013), a seminar organised in collaboration with the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and the Bibliotheca Cathariniana di Pisa, the following talks gave proof of the dissemination activities:
- Valeria Verrastro, L’Archivio di Stato di Potenza e l’azione di tutela e valorizzazione delle pergamene ecclesiastiche
- Mariapia Mazzitelli, Monasterium e le pergamene della diocesi di Reggio Calabria-Bova in rete

Maria Pia Mazzitelli, Un’esperienza di digitalizzazione all’Archivio storico diocesano di Reggio Calabria-Bova, in: Il Mondo degli Archivi, 26 Febbraio 2013
Article on digitisation and publication of the Digital Archive of the Archivio Storico Diocesano of Reggio Calabria-Bova in Monasterium.NET, project in cooperation between UNINA and Archivio Storico Diocesano of Reggio Calabria-Bova

Promotion of activities with Monasterium.Net and MOM-CA (ICARUS Didactics Work Group)

Talk with Antonella Ambrosio and Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci on origins, goals, achievements and the future plans of the ICARUS Didactics Group, in occasion of the Plenum II (Current project developments and activities – talkshow) at ICARUS Meeting #14 (Copenhagen, Denmark – 18 June 2014)

In occasion of Digital Diplomatics 2013 (Paris, Archives Nationales de France, 2013, November 14-16), a whole session was dedicated to didactics using MOM-CA (Session 12: Teaching Diplomatics) with two papers of members of the ICARUS Didactics Group:
- Manuel Joaquín Salamanca López (University Complutense of Madrid), Software and computer applications for the teaching of the Diplomatic science
- Artur Dirmeier, Kathrin Pindl (Archives of the Foundation of the hospital of St. Catherine, Regensburg; University of Regensburg), Charter pragmatics and Spitalarchiv´s teaching experience: can the whole meaning of a charter be communicated digitally?

Maria do Rosário Barbosa Morujão and Anísio Miguel de Sousa Saraiva, Diplomática, Sigilografia e novas tecnologias: a inovação pedagógica através de um projecto de investigação, in occasion of 1st Virtual Congress of Teaching Innovation (16-20 September 2013).

The new page of the Didactics Group’s webpage is dedicated to our published papers, our lectures, our blogs and websites referring to didactic activities with MOMCA or other digital tools or digital contents. Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci attends to this page.
(May 2013)

Susana Cabezas Fontanilla, Juan Carlos Galende Díaz and Nicolás Ávila Seoane, Un proyecto docente e investigador en las Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas: Monasterium y Campus Virtual, in: Amelia Sanz Cabrerizo, José Antonio López Orozco, Alfredo Baratas Díaz (eds.), VII Jornada Campus Virtual. Valorar, validar y difundir Campus Virtual, Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013, pp. 77-88.

Tillmann Lohse, Bin ich ein Editor? Ein Selbsterfahrungskurs an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, in occasion of Projektlehre im Geschichtsstudium (Oldenburg University – Oldenburg, Germany – 15-16 February 2013)

ICARUS new memberships

Unina promotes the accession of new members to ICARUS.

Adhesion of the Municipality of Vitulano and the Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Rome (June 2014)
Adhesion of the State Archive Catanzaro (March 2014)
Ratification of the adhesion of the State Archive of Bari (June 2013)
Ratification of the adhesion of the State Archive of Reggio Calabria (September 2013)


Electronic Newsletter of The Learning Community (twice a week issue)
Dissemination of ICARUS Electronic Newsletter (International Centre for Archival Research)

Websites, Facebook

National website in Monasterium.net (under construction)
A Public profile and a Facebook page of Monasterium South Italy working group (Monasterium South Italy)

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