New Paper on
Transnational Virtual Learning Communities and Historical Documents

Antonella Ambrosio published a paper on Transnational Virtual Learning Communities and Historical Documents, in: Manuel J. Salamaca Lopez, Carlos Hugo Artaza (for REDCYT), I Congreso Virtual de Innovación Didáctica al Servicio de los Docentes y Profesionales en Ciencias Documentales, Mar del Plata, 2013. Have a look!

Archivi ecclesiastici verso l’Europa: Prospettive di cooperazione in vista del programma HORIZON 2020

Biblioteca Cathariniana – Pisa, Italy
3 December 2013

Within the activities of ENArC- European Network on Archival Cooperation (EU-Culture Programme 2007-2013), the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa organized in collaboration with the Biblioteca Cathariniana of Pisa and the University of Naples Federico II – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici a workshop for archivists, palaeographers, historians and researchers in Digital Humanities to enhance the knowledge of the digital platforms developped by the participating institutions. In particular Antonella Ambrosio (University of Naples) held a paper on Il progetto Monasterium in Italia meridionale.

Check out the programme here.


Digitisation at Archivo de la Catedral de Cuenca:
a Monasterium South-Italy subproject

Archivo Histórico Nacional – Madrid, Spain
25 November 2013

In occasion of the Icarus-Meeting #12 on the topic “Proyectos archivísticos españoles para un mundo digital” Francisco Antonio Chacón Gómez-Monedero and Manuel Joaquín Salamanca López presented a paper on Descripción y digitalización de la Sección Institucional del Archivo de la Catedral de Cuenca.

Monasterium Didactics Working Group:
hands-on workshop for new MOMCA-Tools at ICARUS-Meeting #12

Archivo Histórico Nacional – Madrid, Spain
25 November 2013

In occasion of the Icarus-Meeting #12 at Madrid this year’s Didactics Group workshop is going to offer in collaboration with Monasterium Technical Development a sneak preview of the new MOMCA Tools. After a brief presentation of the work of the Cologne developers there will be occasion for selected participants to test the new tools and for the technicians to get a first feedback on their use in teaching. The session is open to all participants of the ICARUS-Meeting.
The Agenda.

1st Virtual Congress of Teaching Innovation

Virtual Congress of Teaching Innovation
16-20 September 2013

ICARUS, the University of Naples Federico II and ENArC support the First Virtual Congress of Teaching Innovation. Prof. Antonella Ambrosio (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II/ICARUS) is part of the academic committee and will hold a paper on Esperienze didattiche di Diplomatica con le tecnologie digitali.

Digital Diplomatics 2011: a recollection

Have a look at Žarko Vujoševic’s review of Digital Diplomatics: Tools for the Digital Diplomatist (Naples 2011) in the brand new journal “Initial. A review of Medieval Studies”, 1, 2013, 323-330 (in Serbian).

Charters and digital archives in didactic practice:
keynote speech at APEx conference

Antonella Ambrosio held the keynote speech Charters and digital archives in didactic practice at the session “Archival content in didactic practice” of Building infrastructures for archives in a digital world (APEx consortium – Dublin, Ireland – 26-28 June 2013). Check out the abstract here.

The  medieval  documents  on  the  WEB:
ICARUS,  the  ENArC  Project  and  the Spanish Archives

Archivo Histórico Nacional – Madrid, Spain
12 June 2013

In occasion of the 13th ICARUS Workshop Maria Rosaria Falcone (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) will present the portal

Programme here.

Learning Diplomatics with MOMCa (Prof. A. Ambrosio)

Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy

Let’s start! The Diplomatics course for Master’s Degree students at the University of Naples, Federico II, organized in the context of the activities of the ENARC project, will trace a path from traditional to the new methodologies of the Digital Age. The students will acquire consciousness of the changes induced by the new technologies, but also a sensibility for the original documents. Therefore, some lessons will take place at the conservation sites of the charters to be studied, the parchments of the Neapolitan convent of SS. Pietro and Sebastiano, preserved at the Library of the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria and at the States Archive Naples. Another lesson on the history of the monastic community and its archive is scheduled at the monastery itself, today a secondary school focusing on humanities (Liceo Classico Vittorio Emanuele). Thus attained an idea of the historical and archival context of the documentation, the students will approach in a computer lab the same charters and private deeds as part of a digital archive, in this case a virtual reconstruction of the convents’ archive on There, the students will apply the methods of traditional diplomatic analysis using the digital editor of, MOMCa, and investigate the transformations set off by the new tools.

New publication: Teaching Diplomatics with in Spain

Susana Cabezas Fontanilla, Juan Carlos Galende Díaz and Nicolás Ávila Seoane report on their teaching experiences with at the University Complutense, Madrid: “Un proyecto docente e investigador en las Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas: Monasterium y Campus Virtual”, in: Amelia Sanz Cabrerizo, José Antonio López Orozco, Alfredo Baratas Díaz (ed.), “VII Jornada Campus Virtual. Valorar, validar y difundir Campus Virtual”, Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013, pp. 77-88.

Their article here.

Kick-off meeting for an ICARus Didactics subproject
“Distance Teaching for Latin America”

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy
20 March 2013

The discussion will focus on the following themes:

Manuel Salamanca López
Possibilità e limiti della formazione virtuale nel campo della Scienza e della Tecnica Storiografica: alcuni esempi concreti: REDCID (Moodle, Webinar e Joomla); (Claroline).

Maria Rosaria Falcone
Utilizzo di e di MOM-CA per la descrizione dei documenti storici

Antonella Ambrosio – Manuel Salamanca López
Eventualità di un progetto che riguardi l’insegnamento della Diplomatica con MOM-Ca indirizzato a studenti residenti in America Latina

Final Discussion

They speak of us…

AIB-WEB Il Web dell’Associazione Italiana Biblioteche
11 March 2013

Report of First Conference of ‘Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura digitale’ (December 2012)

Further information here.

Seminar on

Università degli Studi di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica, Aula GERACE – Pisa, Italy
20 February 2013

Antonella Ambrosio (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) and Georg Vogeler (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) held a seminar for Master Degree students in Humanities Computing on the  Monasterium.Net project. The seminar is part of the EnarC and Icarus Didactics group didactic activities.

Further information here.

Call for papers

Digital Diplomatics 2013: What is Diplomatics in the Digital Environment?

Paris, France
14-16 November 2013

The 2013 edition of Digital Diplomatics proposes to continue investigation into the recent development of diplomatics as a result of the opportunities offered by digital tools to study historical documents and of the challenges presented by born digital documents and by the need to understand their structure and the complex digital environments in which they reside. The deadline for proposal submission is March 15, 2013.

Call for papers here.

Lecture on teaching experiences (Icarus Didactics Working Group)

Oldenburg University – Oldenburg, Germany
15-16 February 2013

Dr. Tillmann Lohse, member of the ICARUS Didactics Group, will held a lecture on his teaching experiences with titled “Bin ich ein Editor? Ein Selbsterfahrungskurs an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin” at the conference “Projektlehre im Geschichtsstudium” (Oldenburg University – Oldenburg, Germany – 15-16 February 2013).

Details here.

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